Releasing the huge potential for Africa in terms of social development and economic growth will ultimately come down to education and the employability of its young people and its future generations.
Yet in Africa today nearly half of the population are young people with little education with youth unemployment rates more than double those of adults in most African countries.
Even those with a good education are often not prepared for work.
So the launch of AfricaWorking– an initiative that aims to help break a generational cycle of poverty by developing talent to provide the skilled employees and entrepreneurs that businesses need – is extremely welcome.
Matthew Farmer's insight:
There's an African proverb which says that "If you want to travel fast go alone but you want to travel far, go together".
IEDP reports on the launch of AfricaWorking - an initiative aimed at improving employability and entrepreneurship outcomes on the African continent by companies collaborating with one another.
The scale of the challenge is too large for any one company to tackle alone but the size of the opportunity is also massive and all companies stand to benefit!